Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Drum Major Reflections

I know that this is my second quote this week from Dr. King's "The Drum Major Instinct" sermon, but after thinking about the "Everybody can be great because everybody can serve." quote leading up to MLK Day, I decided to read the whole sermon as a part of my MLK Day celebration on Monday. This was my first time reading the whole thing and not just some select paragraphs painted on murals. I definitely reccomend taking the 20 minutes to read it if you can. I am so happy that I did. In addition to having some really solid financial advice I plan on following, it was filled with so much wisdom and inspiration. It was also filled with a fair amount of convicting statments. There were a lot of times I thought, "Wow! I definitely do that. I shouldn't do that." But I think that any powerful piece of inspiration is probably filled with a fair amount of accusations that make you want to change. I want to grow into a better drum major of peace and love and generosity. I want to guard myself and others from the dangerous twists of the drum major instinct. And as I reflect on all of that, I am beyod grateful for Dr. King and the way his words inspire me to serve more diligently than before. -Megan

Monday, January 16, 2017

Reflections on Service

Happy MLK Day!
MLK Day is such a special kind of holiday. We're celebrating the great works of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. with a little extra time off. But more than any other holiday, MLK Day also calls for reflection and action. For me, MLK Day is a time to think about why I am doing two years of national service, what I gain from serving others, and what needs to happen for the world to be a better reflection of social justice for all. This year, I am thinking about how many things I have learned and how many ways I have grown because of my service. I am incredibly grateful for all the tears and struggles and little kid hugs that have made me whole in ways I never could have imagined. I know that I am greater because I serve alongside the people who's liberation is tied up with mine. And I have so much faith in Dr. King's assertion that everybody can be great, because everybody can serve. -Megan

Friday, January 13, 2017


This week has been crazy in so many ways. There have been a million things to balance plus surprises to complicate things further. So, I think I surprised myself when I sat down to reflect on the week and the first word that came to mind was simple. It's not that I don't agree with or aspire to be simple; it's just that it doesn't really seem like something that can coexist with the reality of my job. But, as I thought about it, I realized that the simplicity of my job is that I love it. I love the kids; I love my team; and I love the energy of hard work. So as I finish up this week, and look into the next, I hope I can continue to cherish the simplicity of my job. Even when it feels crazy, there is a simple truth to come back to every time. -Megan

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Growing in 2017

It always amazes me how many different people have so many different opinions about New Years resolutions. Some people love them just the way they are. Other people say they shouldn't be called resolutions but rather aspirations or goals or that no one should worry about them altogether. I don't really have strong opinions either way but, I do have some things that I'm working on now that 2017 is here. My first, and probably most intangible, resolution is to be proud of myself. I want to intentionally celebrate the things I achieve and the things I like about myself. I also want to do a little more writing although I haven't decided exactly in what form yet. I am going spend the money to buy myself fresh flowers for my room whenever it's clean. And I know I could get better at the generic resolutions like exercising more and drinking more water, so I should make a little time for those too. Finally, I want to build healthier relationships. I want to be more vulnerable with others and be more intentional with my communication and appreciation. I am looking forward to 2017 and the way this renewed focus will help me grow. -Megan

Monday, January 9, 2017

What Will Be

We're back at school after winter break, and it's 2017, and there is a lot of talk about the future that lies before us. I am so excited to bring my enthusiasm and positivity to the next 5 months with our kids. But it also feels incredibly daunting to have so much laid out before me to accomplish. There is a lot to do and not much of a road map on how to do it. This quote helps me feel energized to take on those challenges. It reminds me to make that most of what I have in the moment. And it reminds me to leap into the future knowing that I can change things and make them better with perserverance and positivity. It reminds me not to get defeated by the size of the challenge before me but to put in the work everyday and see all the things I can accomplish. -Megan

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Find Joy

This has been a crazy week. I have what feels like a million and two things on my plate, and it doesn't seem like I will find a way to get them all done in time. I know these are days I should be cherishing with my teammates and the kids, but it's hard to focus on that through all of the stressful details. This quote is a pleasantry exchanged in Portugal during the Saints days festivities (one of my favorite holidays). With this quote, I want to remind myself to work to find the joy in the moment. I want to notice the positive and be grateful for what's present in each day, even when that takes extra effort. I don't want to get bogged down in the stress, so I can't forget that I have the power to stop that from happening, just by putting in the work to find the joy along the way. -Megan

Monday, December 12, 2016

Things to Learn

Over the weekend, I was doing some reflecting on my experience so far this year. One of the reflection prompts was: What is the most useful thing you have learned this year? It was hard to answer that question because I have learned so many things from teaching kids and developing adults. Ultimately, I decided that the most useful thing I've learned this year is how fundamentally human everyone is. I have really experienced and learned that kids are kids. It doesn't matter if they're in kindergarten or 8th grade, they like and need remarkably similar things. It always surprises me how little I need to change when I move between totally different age groups. On top of that, adults have nearly the same wants and needs as kids. I have learned that corralling a group of adults is nearly the same as corralling a group of kids. I think that all of these things have taught me about humanity. I have learned how much we all have in common, even when people have all sorts of reasons to explain why we don't. That is directly useful to doing my job everyday, but it also shows me the profound beauty of the world. I think that this quote, from the lyrical genius in Tarzan, is a great explanation of my learning process. I am so very grateful for this experience to teach and learn. -Megan