Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Find Joy

This has been a crazy week. I have what feels like a million and two things on my plate, and it doesn't seem like I will find a way to get them all done in time. I know these are days I should be cherishing with my teammates and the kids, but it's hard to focus on that through all of the stressful details. This quote is a pleasantry exchanged in Portugal during the Saints days festivities (one of my favorite holidays). With this quote, I want to remind myself to work to find the joy in the moment. I want to notice the positive and be grateful for what's present in each day, even when that takes extra effort. I don't want to get bogged down in the stress, so I can't forget that I have the power to stop that from happening, just by putting in the work to find the joy along the way. -Megan

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