Monday, January 9, 2017

What Will Be

We're back at school after winter break, and it's 2017, and there is a lot of talk about the future that lies before us. I am so excited to bring my enthusiasm and positivity to the next 5 months with our kids. But it also feels incredibly daunting to have so much laid out before me to accomplish. There is a lot to do and not much of a road map on how to do it. This quote helps me feel energized to take on those challenges. It reminds me to make that most of what I have in the moment. And it reminds me to leap into the future knowing that I can change things and make them better with perserverance and positivity. It reminds me not to get defeated by the size of the challenge before me but to put in the work everyday and see all the things I can accomplish. -Megan

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