Monday, December 12, 2016

Things to Learn

Over the weekend, I was doing some reflecting on my experience so far this year. One of the reflection prompts was: What is the most useful thing you have learned this year? It was hard to answer that question because I have learned so many things from teaching kids and developing adults. Ultimately, I decided that the most useful thing I've learned this year is how fundamentally human everyone is. I have really experienced and learned that kids are kids. It doesn't matter if they're in kindergarten or 8th grade, they like and need remarkably similar things. It always surprises me how little I need to change when I move between totally different age groups. On top of that, adults have nearly the same wants and needs as kids. I have learned that corralling a group of adults is nearly the same as corralling a group of kids. I think that all of these things have taught me about humanity. I have learned how much we all have in common, even when people have all sorts of reasons to explain why we don't. That is directly useful to doing my job everyday, but it also shows me the profound beauty of the world. I think that this quote, from the lyrical genius in Tarzan, is a great explanation of my learning process. I am so very grateful for this experience to teach and learn. -Megan

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