Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Growing in 2017

It always amazes me how many different people have so many different opinions about New Years resolutions. Some people love them just the way they are. Other people say they shouldn't be called resolutions but rather aspirations or goals or that no one should worry about them altogether. I don't really have strong opinions either way but, I do have some things that I'm working on now that 2017 is here. My first, and probably most intangible, resolution is to be proud of myself. I want to intentionally celebrate the things I achieve and the things I like about myself. I also want to do a little more writing although I haven't decided exactly in what form yet. I am going spend the money to buy myself fresh flowers for my room whenever it's clean. And I know I could get better at the generic resolutions like exercising more and drinking more water, so I should make a little time for those too. Finally, I want to build healthier relationships. I want to be more vulnerable with others and be more intentional with my communication and appreciation. I am looking forward to 2017 and the way this renewed focus will help me grow. -Megan

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