Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Drum Major Reflections

I know that this is my second quote this week from Dr. King's "The Drum Major Instinct" sermon, but after thinking about the "Everybody can be great because everybody can serve." quote leading up to MLK Day, I decided to read the whole sermon as a part of my MLK Day celebration on Monday. This was my first time reading the whole thing and not just some select paragraphs painted on murals. I definitely reccomend taking the 20 minutes to read it if you can. I am so happy that I did. In addition to having some really solid financial advice I plan on following, it was filled with so much wisdom and inspiration. It was also filled with a fair amount of convicting statments. There were a lot of times I thought, "Wow! I definitely do that. I shouldn't do that." But I think that any powerful piece of inspiration is probably filled with a fair amount of accusations that make you want to change. I want to grow into a better drum major of peace and love and generosity. I want to guard myself and others from the dangerous twists of the drum major instinct. And as I reflect on all of that, I am beyod grateful for Dr. King and the way his words inspire me to serve more diligently than before. -Megan

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