Friday, December 9, 2016

Listening and Growing

To begin, I want to apologize for the lapse in posts. Sometimes, it all gets too crazy to even be ready to write it all down. Also, I want to apologize for starting back up again in such a dismal place, but this is where I am, and this is what is important to record.
This week I am feeling overwhelmed. There is the stress of all the things that have to get done before winter break begins. There is the stress of packing for winter break's two trips within a trip. There are all sorts of little things that started my week off with me in a stressed out place. And then I recieved a load of constructive feedback. I know that we asked for the feedback, and I know that the feedback wasn't meant as any sort of statement about my failures as a human, but it's still hard to sit here with a list of all the things I've done wrong without a list of anything I've done right. So, as I've sat and grappled with all of that, I've written myself this little mantra (hence this truly handwritten quote). I am going to work diligently to see the positive opportunities in all of this feedback. I am going to connect to why I sought out the feedback in the first place. And I am going to be grateful for all of the beautiful change that lies ahead. Even if I have to write this down a few hundred more times to convince myself of that. -Megan

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