Friday, September 23, 2016

With All My Heart

It has been a little crazy here at work. I am feeling a little lost about how to help people who seem like they don't really want it. I am feeling overwhelmed and inadequate. At the end of long week, I desperately needed this affirmation about the value of my effort. I can be failing. I can be unable to find any of the solutions I need, but what matters most is my intentional effort. What matters most is that I am always seeking the success I envision. That I am always doing the best I can do, whether that's my very best or just the best I can do in that moment. And that I am always putting my whole heart into the things and the people I love and believe in. I know that I am capable of those three things, and I know that no matter the outcome, I can be proud when I have done those three things because that's the most I can do. -Megan

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