Monday, September 26, 2016

Reasons to Be Brave

There are many days where work is hard and surviving the day feels impossible. And when that happens, I feel like I'm just not brave enough to come back the next day. Whenever that happens, I pause and reconsider. I realize that I'm not being brave so I can accomplish some selfish goal or glory. I realize I have to be brave for the kids who trust me and love me and need me to be there for them. So, even when I don't feel brave enough to come back to work on rainy Mondays like today, I do because the kids deserve it. They need me to face fear and uncertainty so that they have the opportunities and the confidence to make their dreams come true. And when I'm thinking of the little kids dreaming their dreams, I am fortified, and I am ready to take on another day. So here I am, looking out on another challenging week and knowing I can be brave for them. -Megan

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