Monday, September 19, 2016

Never Knew

Maybe it's the way of every job, or maybe it pertains to just this job, but I constantly feel overwhelmed by how much I don't know. There are too many moments to count where I think, "Okay, I know what to expect. I've got this," only to realize how totally wrong I am. When I actually get to a new part of the job, there never fails to be unexpected challenges to grapple with and new things to learn. For example, I thought that I had done a great job sharpening my direction-giving skills last year. It can be hard to get 4th graders to do what you want them to do, so I was pretty convinced that my skills were sufficiently refined. Instead, I have been blown away by how hard it is to give directions to a group of adults. Giving my team directions requires more clarity and practice than directing my 4th graders ever did. And so, even in something as simple as giving directions, I've learned things I never knew I never knew. And whether it be in this arena, or in a thousand others, I know that each day will be filled with new things I thought I had a handle on, but I don't. Yet somehow, there is beauty in that chaos. There is a joy to be found in learning new things every day and in taking on challenge even when there didn't seem to be any on the horizon. -Megan

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