Friday, August 12, 2016

Chaos & Wildflowers

It's been a very, very long week. I deeply appreciate all of the people who have helped me out and all of the people who have done a great job lending calmness and stability to this very, very long week. I am doing my best to enjoy all the chaos, but the seas of uncertainty and the moments of doubt have been overwhelming. This week has served as a poignant reminder of my need for constancy in changing tides and a powerful motivator to seek out sources of constancy when I need them. I know that even in all the chaos, simple, beautiful things spring up every day; I just have to have to seek them out. I can find beauty in my own chaos by seeking out beautiful sources of constancy. And I know this won't be the only crazy week this year, but since it's the first, it's a good time to refocus on my needs for the craziness to come. -Megan

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