Monday, August 15, 2016

My Haiku

This is a haiku I wrote a little while ago to describe my first year of service. It was inspired by feelings about and experiences with my kiddos. But now that I'm in a new role of working with adults, it's turned into an even more poignant reminder. It can be really hard to extend the grace I have for my kids to adults. It can be hard to remember they're humans and they're learning and they make mistakes too. So at the dawn of this new year, I need this haiku much more than I thought I would. I need to remember to enjoy every single day, even with its ups and downs. I need to remember that we're all imperfect humans seeking ways to be our best. And hopefully, this haiku will help me remember to make the most of this year and all the struggles and joys it is sure to bring. -Megan

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