Friday, June 10, 2016

Unknown Blessings

I have been pretty worried about how my short little bit of summer was going to go. There have been a lot of uncontrolable ups and downs this year, but being genuinely by myself, without any plans for two weeks seemed scarier than anything I'd already been through. Despite all that trepidation, it has turned out to be a really great first week of summer. I have gotten to soak up some sunshine-y weather, to explore my neighborhood more, to prepare for the year to come, and to accomplish some things I have been putting off for a while. I have gotten to take time to enjoy where I am and how far I've come. I've had some pretty perfect days. I have also cried more than I expected. I've shed more tears than I can count, missing my kids and my co-workers, but it has been nice to have space to do that. And as I think back to how scared I was before this week started, it almost seems a little silly. It serves as a reminder that I don't know what wonderful things lie ahead. I'm reminded to be ever grateful for the unknown blessings already on their way. -Megan

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