Thursday, July 14, 2016

Fear & Courage

It's been a truly remarkable week. There have been dark times this week. Times where I feared that there wasn't anything I could do to stop the problems that have been swirling for years. Times where there were so many reasons to be angry and sad. But in one of those moments, someone said something that I have held near to my heart in all of the other moments. To be honest, I am not even sure who said this. It's not a quote by anyone famous or even a random tumblr post that found its way to pinterest. It's just a comment made in a group discussion, simply a beautiful reflection on the dark times. So now I think of the fear that I have for what the future may bring, I am inpsired to believe that I can use that fear for the greater good. My fear can help me do what is right. My fear compels me to act with compassion. Thanks to the support of my commuity this week, I will ever strive to let my fear define and drive my courage. -Megan

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