Monday, May 23, 2016

Holding Hands

This is a beatiful song lyric that reminds me of all of the times I take my kiddos by the hand. Sometimes I take them by the hand because they stand there hugging me when they have somewhere they need to go. I love their hugs, but I don't want them to miss a second of their education. Every moment is a precious learning opportunity for them. If we walk together, then we get to share affection, and they get transported to where they need to be in a loving (& hopefully a drama-free, no-tears, "Ms. Scheffe don't leave me!") way. I hope they can appreciate that I want to spend time with them just as much as I want them to find success. The other times when I hold a kid's hand, it's probably because they are misbehaving. When verbal reminders or frequent corrections aren't enough, I grab hold of their hand in a hope that a physical reminder will get them back on track. It's true, I keep doing this partly because it's effective. We can move quickly. Sometimes the embarrassment factor of being treated like a little kid kicks in, and the kid turns things around. But I think this quote opened my eyes to the message I really want to be sending to a kid when I take them by the hand. I want the kiddos to feel the love I have for every aspect of who they are. And I hope they understand how much grace I have for them when they make mistakes. I still love them, and I still think they can do their best. Maybe it's too much to think my kids get all that from holding my hand, but I hope they feel the grace I'm giving them in abundance. -Megan

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