Monday, May 2, 2016

Flawed & Loved

Today is the start of my last full week as a corps member and the last time I'll see my kids as their corps member. Over the weekend, I was crafting the thank you notes and love letters I want to give to my kiddos and my coworkers before the end of the week. I shed a lot of tears over those letter drafts. And after all of that raw emotion, I am reminded just how much I love the people who have come into my life this year. It's true, times have been chaotic and overwhelming. Some times I have cried and questioned everything. But the people I spend my days with have brought me through all of that with their love and support. The kids have brought me through that just by showing up every day. And so, yes, there are many, many flaws in the people I love and the situations I'm in, but at the end of the day, I have found it all so worth loving. -Megan

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