Friday, April 29, 2016

Each New Hour

Every day, I inch closer and closer to the end of my year of service. Especially after some tough reflections earlier this week, I really want to focus now on the positive change I was able to make in the lives of my kiddos. I have worked my hardest to remember every day that "today is the only today I get with my students." I always knew our time would be over too quickly, so I always tried to remember to give my kids every thing I had, all the time. That wasn't always possible, and I struggled a lot as I navigated how to be my authentic self with my kiddos, but still I fought. I worked to appreciate and make the most of every hour. I am proud of myself for working to stay present in every moment with my kids. I am proud of myself for the way I fought against fear and insecurities. And I know, even still, I have many hours left with my kids. I know that even yet, there are chances for a new beginning. -Megan

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