Wednesday, May 18, 2016

A Successful Year

Well, my first year of service is officially over. I graduated last Tuesday, but I haven't posted anthying on here since because I didn't know what to post. In some ways, it feels like the year isn't over. I still go into school every day, and my relationships with students and teachers have remained much the same. In other ways, I feel like I am avoiding just how big of a change it is to lose my everyday interactions with my teammates and my program mentors. I feel sort of numb to how big of a change that is. And so, as I try to process the changes and lack of changes, I feel generally inspired by the past. I can see that my year of service was a success. A lot has happened this year. I have grown, I have made myself proud, I have struggled and persisted, I have shared hopes and dreams and tears. But more than anything else, I have loved. Loved the kids and my teams and my coworkers and myself. And so, through all of this I mark my year as a success, and I ready myself to jump into the next year of my life. To see how I find my success in different and beautiful ways. And mostly to see what "a lot can happen in a year" means to me in one year's time. -Megan

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