Friday, April 15, 2016

What I Thought

I saw this quote filed away along with some things from the very beginning of college. That strikes me as funny now because I don't think I could have ever understood the fullness of this quote before my year of service. So much of my year has been categorized with, "Well, this is not what I thought was going to happen." It practically feels like an anthem at this point. Through all of the ups and downs of my expecations, I have been driven to work really hard and be really kind, even when that was not always easy. And as the end draws near, there is absolutely no question that amazing things have happened. Furthermore, I am hopeful that my investment in the lives of my kiddos will help them in even more amazing ways down the road. For now, I am sure there will be a million other things that defy expectations along the way. -Megan

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