Friday, April 8, 2016

Stormy Days

This day was surprisingly sweet and difficult. There was some severe weather coming our way, so the school day was shortened, and all the kids were bussed home right after lunch. It was awesome to have a little bit of respite from the very long days I usually work, and the nap I took while the rain came down was absolutely delightful. But the hard part of the day was managing all the feelings of my kids. I spent an hour at the beginning of the day pulling kids out of class to call their parents to ask how they were getting home. I was surprised at the range of emotions I had to deal with, even just seeing the kids for a few minutes at a time. As the day wore on, the kids got crazier and also a little more scared. It was hard not to get affected by their emotions. A lot of the lower school kids kept asking if this was going to be another Hurricane Katrina. I think that really put it into perspective for me how they were feeling about the severe weather. I want to remember that even in these times of fear, I am driven to act with a soul generated by love. I hope that came across to my kids today in the crazy chaos. And just in case, I hugged each of them extra tight on their way home today. -Megan

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