Monday, April 4, 2016

Making a Difference

Today I saw how I have made a difference. I think it's the first time this year I have felt a difference so concretely and poignantly. I truly believe that I am helping my kids in so many ways, but it is a whole different kind of heart-warming to see a direct effect of something you did. One special student and I have been working almost all year on how to treat people. In the heat of the moment, she has told me I hate her more times than I can count. As the end of the year draws near, I was so nervous about leaving this one student. I couldn't tell if she would spiral back out of control without me; maybe all our work would be undone. Today, I was sent a quote she said about me. It was sweet, and it made my heart happy, but the very best part was what she said about knowing I was nice when people are mean to me. And even if she only said that because she was in a good mood or because she was prompted, I am still so honored that she has picked out the most important thing I want to teach her. So with a sigh of relief and tears of joy a long nine months later, I can finally confidently say, "Be kind. You never know who you are inspiring." -Megan

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