Thursday, March 31, 2016

Their Next Corps Member

Today I was thinking about my kids and how much progress they have made and how much I do for them. And it struck me that I'm not ready to pass them on to their next corps member yet. They're my kids. They have changed my life so entirely that it's hard to think that other people change their lives too. But even when I pass them on to the next corps member (who will surely be even more compassionate and caring than I could ever be), I will still be on their team. They will just have another person to cherish and celebrate them. And all through their education, they will add more and more people to their team. So, even though I will never see the greatness at the end of my kids' path, I know that putting in my best and then turning them over to the next corps membeer to do their best is how my kids will grow to be big, strong, and magnificent. -Megan

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