Wednesday, January 20, 2016

The Middles of Stories

I have always loved this quote. It holds a lot of different special memories for me. I want to take this moment to reflect on this quote and one special kid it reminds me of. At the beginning of the year, if you had asked which kid I would be closest with, this kid probably would have landed securely in second to last place. Through so many months I thought he just sort of angrily tolerated me because I was his teacher. Some days it felt like he spent his afternoon trying to push every last button I had. For the last couple weeks and a few other weeks before break, I feel like we are building a relationship. It's mostly goofy, and it's not like he always follows directions or redirections now, but it means the world to me. And as much as I would love this kind of relationship with any student, it has taught me infinitely more because it's with this student. My new-found buddy perfectly hammers home just how much I'll never know about what my story holds because I'm only in the middle. -Megan

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