Friday, January 22, 2016

Rough Days & Laughter

Yesterday was a special kind of rough. I had a particularly nasty interaction with a student who I love. For the past couple weeks, he has been constantly treating me like he despises my presence even though he spent most of the school year before that being incredibly sweet. Among other things, he is furious that I tell him good morning each morning because, "he's tired of hearing the same thing every day," and "I don't even tell that to anyone else." The whole situation hurts my heart, but it's weight increased threefold today. Still, there were many hidden blessings. Afterschool activities had to be cancelled due to weather, so I didn't have to work with more kids just when I was on the edge of breaking down. School leaders were supportive of me in ways I have never experienced them be before. But the greatest blessing was our team dinner after service. My team members didn't say anything when I was being socially awkward or when I started talking about a part of my day and then I just didn't want to talk about it anymore. And then we laughed so hard sharing crazy kid stories, that I left the night with a happy heart even though I entered on the verge of tears. I am so very, very grateful for them, especially when the days get rough. -Megan

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