Monday, July 11, 2016

Power & Wisdom

I am feeling powerless in the wake of all the murder and senseless death in the world, especially in the ways it touches my world. At a time when talking about it doesn't seem to be enough, I find myself asking, "What can I do?" And I can't seem to come up with any satisfying answers. I found comfort in this quote for a couple of reasons. The first, and probably most frivolous, is that it comes from Tarzan and Phil Collins. Tarzan is one of the most comforting Disney movies and soundtracks for me. It makes me feel like I am enveloped in a big mama gorilla hug, just like baby Tarzan. Secondly, this quote also reminds me that it is okay to feel a weak or unwise sometimes. Life is a learning process. Finally, it comforts me that these feelings won't last forever. I don't know where the future will take our country or our world. I don't know how many more victims of police brutality there will be or how many more people will be killed in the name of terror, but I do know that I will gain wisdom and strength. I know in time I will find ways to be a part of the change I want to see. I just have to have faith for what's coming in time. -Megan

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