Friday, June 3, 2016

The Last Day of School

I picked this quote for the last day of school because I think it does a nice job of capturing how wonderful my time with these kids has been. It captures all the love I have for them. I know that next year, and in the years to come, I'll fall in love with kiddos over and over again, but it won't be the same love. As much as I have my qualms about The Great Gatsby, especially as an authority on love, I think that F. Scott Fitzgerald does beautifully capture the ever-moving quality of life, the beautiful, unpredictable changing of tides. So while today the love I have for these kids is present and tangible, I know it will soon become the sweetest of memories. But for today, it is a love worth celebrating and cherishing. A love that seems impossible to say good-bye to, even though that time has come. I know that an end has been on the horizon all along. It's nearly time to move on to something new, so I'll take one more day to live in this special love, and then I'll store it peacefully in my heart and await whatever new kind of love the future holds. -Megan

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