Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Strong, Fierce, and Capable

It was a crazy first day. There were so many parts of the day that were refreshing and fun. There were many surprising elements of joy. But there was also a lot of anxiety. There are a lot of expectations and a lot of unknowns. There are areas where I am scared that I'm not going to be good enough or creative enough or ambitious enough. And there are moments where I'm flooded with insecurities I thought I had boxed up and left behind. And I know I don't need to be afraid of the problems I'm creating in my head, but that doesn't stop things from preying on my feelings of inadequacy. So I need this reminder today. I have seen ways that I am strong, fierce, and capable. There will be many more opportunities for me to see that this year. And even the moments when I feel anxious, weak, and afraid don't make this statement any less true. -Megan

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