Saturday, February 6, 2016

Myself & Formation

I am grateful for and excited about Beyonce's new music video for "Formation." For one, she's Beyonce, and of course I love to hear her sing and watch her perform. It's also exciting to see sights I see in New Orleans every day with Beyonce in the foreground. But mostly, I am excited to see that the things that are on my mind about New Orleans are also on Beyonce's mind (selfishly, I like to think that means there's a connection between us). I am beyond grateful to see so many of the things I think about daily brought to the forefront of pop culture in a way that only Beyonce can. I want everyone to know how powerfully the kiddos that I love are affected by their world. My kids fall into place perfectly dancing around the room in their white dresses or marching in a second line or dancing with so much skill. And while they were still in the womb when Katrina struck, they are are connected to the storm in a way they'll never escape. While I still only understand a small piece of their culture and the way this city shapes these kids and their families, I'm excited to learn more alongside the world. -Megan

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